
Welcome Friends!

Live With Purpose

Because You Were Made With Purpose

Marisa D’Amore
Writer, Speaker, Podcaster, Blogger

Hi! I’m Marisa!

I love the Lord, writing and sharing God's word through public speaking.

I hope that you will be encouraged as I write and blog about the things that are on my heart.

It’s so critical that we speak the truth of God’s word over ourselves because the most important voice we hear must be a voice of truth.

I am legally blind. I have no vision in my right eye and limited vision in my left eye.

Eternally speaking, my disability is temporary and therefore, no longer defines me.

What defines me is that I am an eternal child of God!

How God Defines You

Having our identity only as sons and daughters of God has become a huge passion of mine.

It’s so easy to get caught up in what others say about you and what the culture labels you.

God is the one that created you. He is the only One who has the authority to tell you who you really are.

I am chosen, holy and dearly loved. Colossians 3:12

I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Psalm 139:14

The Spirit God gave me does not make me timid, but gives me power, love and a sound mind. 2 Timothy 1:7

Radiate God’s Light

Because I know that I am God’s daughter, I know that I can also be a light to the world.

We are called to radiate His glory and love to the world.

We weren’t meant to hide in the shadows.

Jesus gives us the power and the grace to live the abundant life He died to give us.

Sight, Sound and Soul Podcast

Revival That Lasts
Podcast with Chelsea Plank from SEU Worship

Interview with SEU Worship member, Chelsea Plank, about the inspiration behind their latest album “Move of God.”

Faith and Femininity
Podcast with CEO
Entrepreneur Hope Harvard

Interview with Hope Harvard about the heart behind her faith-based business, Hope Beauty.

Devotion Over Commotion
Podcast with Worship Leader Eliza King

Interview with worship leader Eliza King about the heart behind her latest album “The Pressing In.”

Living with purpose long-term and sustainably looks like taking little opportunities that come along in our normal routine and optimizing them for eternal impact.
— Blog: Living with Purpose in Everyday Life


  • “Life Changing”


    Indian Rocks Christian School

  • “You have showed us what true strength and reliance on God is”

    Church Member

    Mission City Church

  • “Truly Inspirational”


    Keswick Christian School

  • ”Amazing Chapel”


    Northside Christian School