The Alabaster Jar

bible story, alabaster jar, sacrifice and worship

The story of the alabaster jar is one of the most memorable stories in the Gospels. It teaches us deep lessons about sacrifice, worship and God's abundant grace. In this post, let's take a closer look at this captivating story and see what we can learn.

What Happened in the Alabaster Jar Story?

The story is told in Matthew 26, Mark 14 and John 12. It takes place in the home of Simon the Leper in the town of Bethany, where Jesus was dining. While He was reclining at the table, a woman came with an alabaster box full of expensive perfume. She broke open the jar and poured the perfume on Jesus’ head and feet, an extravagant display of adoration and affection.

Some of those present became indignant, asking why the perfume had been wasted in this way. But Jesus rebuked them and told them to leave her alone, saying “She has done a beautiful thing to me.” He said the perfume had been poured in preparation for His burial and her story would be told wherever the gospel would be preached.

  • Woman pours perfume on Jesus' head & feet at dinner party

  • Disciples angry, say perfume wasted

  • Jesus rebukes them, says her act is beautiful

Understanding the Cultural Context

To fully grasp the power of this story, it’s important to understand the cultural context. In ancient times, women did not readily approach religious teachers. For this woman to enter the room and anoint Jesus would have been shocking. Her brazen display of emotion was met with scorn by the men present.

They also questioned her wasting over a year’s wages on perfume! But despite the tense atmosphere, this woman gave her costly gift out of deep gratitude and reverence. Jesus accepted her lavish gift and commended her for it, challenging norms and valuing her heart of worship.

  • Woman approaching teacher was shocking

  • Men scorned her wastefulness

  • Jesus valued her heart of worship

The Woman’s Remarkable Faith

The faith demonstrated by the woman with the alabaster jar is remarkable. She clearly was devoted and had a great love for Jesus. Breaking the jar represented the breaking of herself before her Lord. Her tears and perfume spoke of immense gratitude and devotion for Christ’s grace.

Despite criticism, she courageously gave her best out of worshipful love. This woman showed no concern for practicality or social conformity. She knew Jesus deserved her very best, no matter the cost.

  • Devoted and great love for Jesus

  • Courageously gave her best despite criticism

  • Faith and devotion were more important than practicality

Sacrifice and Extravagant Worship

There is a beautiful lesson here about sacrifice and extravagant worship. The woman’s gift would have seemed excessive and impractical to earthly eyes, much like king David’s dancing before the Lord. But God sees differently than man. He looks at the posture of our hearts (1 Samuel 16:7).

True worship compels us to offer sacrifices with joy, giving freely without counting the cost. The woman’s gift foreshadowed Jesus’ ultimate sacrifice on the cross. Her poured out perfume reminds us of the blood Christ poured out to redeem our sins. She models costly devotion that we too are called to emulate in our worship as believers.

  • True worship requires sacrifice and generosity

  • She gave freely without counting the cost

  • Foreshadowed Christ's sacrifice on the cross

The Lasting Memory of Her Gift

No doubt the smell of this expensive perfume lingered long after the banquet was over. We even know historically that nard, or spikenard, was used by the ancients to anoint the dead. So, this woman’s poured out perfume pointed straight to Jesus' fast-approaching death and burial.

Isn’t that just like the Lord? To take her sacrificial offering for His feet and head...and transform it into the memory of His blood poured out at the cross? Jesus took her simple act of worship and infused it with so much depth and meaning.

Just as this alabaster jar of perfume made its way into Gospel accounts, the woman’s sacrificial gift still speaks today. It challenges us to examine our own hearts. Do we lavish Christ with worshipful affection and generosity? Or do we offer Him left-over scraps of time, resources and attention?

  • Perfume lingered after party was over

  • Nard was used to anoint dead, pointed to Christ's burial

  • Simple act made unforgettable by Jesus

Being Remembered for Our Worship

There is a second lesson here about legacy as well. This woman gave freely without realizing her act is still discussed 2,000 years later across the globe! Our gifts to Christ, no matter how small, have the power to transcend time when done from a worshipful heart.

It echoes Jesus’ words in Matthew 6:3-4 - “But when you give to the needy, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, so that your giving may be in secret. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret will, reward you.”

Our selfless offerings, when laid at the feet of Jesus in loving devotion, leave a legacy that can outlast even the giver.

  • Gifts to Christ can transcend time

  • Selfless offerings leave eternal legacy

The Identity of the Woman

The Gospel accounts do not tell us the actual identity of the woman with the alabaster jar. Through the years, some have speculated she was Mary Magdalene or Mary of Bethany.

But maybe that’s intentional too...perhaps this woman’s anonymity adds to the symbolic importance of her story. It allows ALL of us to step into those shoes. As we read, we are compelled to ask ourselves, “Would I have broken my prized possession to anoint my Lord?” There is an implicit challenge here for every reader!

  • Gospels don't reveal her identity

  • Anonymity: story challenges every reader

  • Invitation to ask if we would do the same

An Invitation to Extravagant Worship

The alabaster jar story remains such a powerful passage because of the sensory imagery that draw us right into that scene with Jesus. We can envision this woman’s adoration and picture His understanding and acceptance. What a precious invitation it offers for us to freely worship!

This woman is a model of willingness to sacrifice valuable things simply out of devotion to the Lord. Her courage and surrender were done simply out of love for the Savior. May we go and do likewise, holding nothing back as we break our own alabaster jars at Jesus’ feet! What might that look like for you today?


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