Soul Prosperity


3 John 1:2 (NKJV)

Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers.


In this verse, John expresses his desire for the believers to prosper in all aspects of their lives, including their physical health and material well-being. However, he emphasizes the importance of spiritual prosperity by comparing it to the prosperity of the soul. True prosperity begins within the depths of our souls, where our relationship with God is nurtured and strengthened. When our souls prosper, we experience inner peace, joy and contentment that surpasses any material wealth or worldly success. We are able to be a true blessing to others because we are spiritually rich in love, revelation, wisdom, humility and much more.


Dear Lord, thank you for the gift of soul prosperity that comes from knowing You. Help me to prioritize the well-being of my soul above all else, seeking after You with all my heart, mind and strength. May my inner life be filled with Your presence, wisdom and love, overflowing into every aspect of my existence. Grant me the grace to align my desires and ambitions with Your will, trusting in Your provision and guidance in all things. Amen.

Action Steps

  1. Daily Reflection: Take time each day to reflect on your spiritual well-being. Consider areas where you can deepen your relationship with God through prayer, Scripture reading and worship.

  2. Partner with the Holy Spirit: Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal to you any hinderances to soul prosperity, such as past trauma, agreement with lies or unforgiveness towards others. Spend time waiting in His presence and give Him permission to heal and deliver you.

  3. Serve Others: Look for opportunities to share God's love and blessings with those in need. Serving others not only enriches their lives but also brings fulfillment and purpose to your own soul.


Wait and Be Strengthened


Drawing People to the Beloved