Faith That Pleases God


Hebrews 11:6 (NIV)

And without faith, it is impossible to please God because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him.


Hebrews 11:6 highlights the fundamental role of faith in our relationship with God. True faith acknowledges and believes in the existence of God and His promises. It is the foundation that enables us to approach Him with confidence, knowing that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him. Let us reflect on the significance of having unwavering faith in God, understanding that it is through faith that we find favor in His sight and experience His abundant blessings.


Heavenly Father, strengthen my faith in You. Help me to believe wholeheartedly in Your existence and trust in Your promises. Remove any doubts or uncertainties that may hinder my relationship with You. Increase my desire to earnestly seek You and align my heart with Your will. Fill me with unwavering faith that pleases You and allows me to experience the fullness of Your blessings in my life.

Action Steps

  1. Take time each day to nurture your faith. Study God's Word, meditate on His promises, and seek to deepen your understanding of who He is.

  2. Cultivate a habit of prayer, inviting God into every aspect of your life.

  3. Engage in meaningful fellowship with other believers who can encourage and strengthen your faith.

  4. Step out in obedience and trust, putting your faith into action as you serve and love others.

  5. Allow your faith to be a shining testimony of God's goodness and grace.


Learning from the Father


All Things Beautiful in His Time