Faith and Patience


Hebrews 6:12 (NIV)

We do not want you to become lazy, but to imitate those who through faith and patience inherit what has been promised.


Hebrews 6:12 urges us to follow the example of those who, through faith and patience, inherited God's promises. It's means actively imitating the steadfast faith and enduring patience seen in those who've received what God has promised to them. Consider individuals in your life or from Scriptures who exemplify remarkable faith and patience while inheriting God's promises. How can you follow their example in your journey of faith? Which do you struggle with more, faith or patience?


Dear Lord, grant me the faith and endurance to patiently await Your promises. Strengthen my resolve to follow the footsteps of faithful believers. Help me learn from their examples and walk in unwavering faith, and along with that faith, to develop a heart of patience. Amen.

Action Steps

  1. Study the Faithful: Dive into biographies or stories of faithful individuals in the Bible or history who exemplify enduring faith and patience. Extract lessons from their experiences.

  2. Personal Application: Identify a promise of God you're waiting to see fulfilled. Reflect on ways to actively practice faith and patience while waiting for it to come to fruition.

  3. Encourage Others: Share stories of faith and patience with someone facing a similar situation. Offer encouragement and support based on what you've learned from the example of others as well as your own life.


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