Greatness in God’s Kingdom


Matthew 23:11 (NIV)

The greatest among you will be your servant.


In a world that often celebrates power, prestige and prominence, Jesus offers a counterintuitive truth: true greatness lies in service. As followers of Christ, we are called to embody the humility and selflessness demonstrated by our Savior. By serving others, we mirror the love and humility of God and fulfill our purpose in His kingdom.


Dear Lord, teach us the way of servanthood as modeled by You. Help us to set aside our pride and agendas and to embrace opportunities to serve those around us with humility and compassion. May our lives reflect Your selfless love and bring glory to Your name. Amen.

Action Steps

  1. Identify Opportunities: Look for ways to serve others in your family, community, church and workplace. This could involve simple acts of kindness like lending a listening ear, helping with chores or volunteering for service projects. Start where you are and with what you have. How can you bless those around you?

  2. Prioritize Others: Make a conscious effort to prioritize the needs of others above your own desires. Practice empathy and seek to understand the challenges and struggles faced by those around you.

  3. Serve with Joy: Approach serving others with a joyful heart, recognizing it as an opportunity to reflect the love of Christ. Find fulfillment in selflessly meeting the needs of others and rejoice in the impact you can make.


Our Living Hope


All Things for Good