Delighting in the Lord


Psalm 37:4 (NIV)

Take delight in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart.


Psalm 37:4 encourages us to find our joy and satisfaction in the Lord, trusting Him with our deepest desires. This verse promises that as we delight in the Lord, in knowing Him, He will then give us the desires of our heart which line up with His. It’s a beautiful promise that we can delight in Him personally and then receive the satisfaction of fulfilled desires.


Dear Lord, help me take genuine delight in You. Align my desires with Your will. Grant me the desire to seek Your face above all. Teach me Your ways and give me a heart to know You.

Action Steps

  1. Prioritize Time with God: Spend intentional time in prayer, worship and reading Scripture daily. Seek a deeper relationship with Him and discover how you can know Him deeper.

  2. Evaluate Desires: Reflect on your heart's desires and seek God's guidance in aligning them with His purpose. Ask Him to give you a desire to do His will and to know Him.

  3. Serve Others: Share God's love by serving those around you, reflecting your delight in Him through encouragement and evangelism.


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