All Grace Abound


1 Corinthians 9:8 (NKJV)

And God is able to make all grace abound toward you, that you, always having all sufficiency in all things, may have an abundance for every good work.


This verse reminds us of God's abundant grace and provision. It assures us that God is not only capable but willing to bless us with everything we need to excel in every good work. It's a promise of sufficiency and abundance in our journey of faith. It’s a promise that we will have everything we need to fulfill His will.


Heavenly Father, thank you for your boundless grace and provision in our lives. Help us to trust in your promises and rely on your provision in every circumstance. Grant us the wisdom and strength to abound in every good work, knowing that you are always with us, providing all that we need to do your will.

Action Steps

  1. Reflect on God's Abundant Grace: Take time each day to meditate on the concept of God's abundant grace. Reflect on how His grace has manifested in your life and thank Him for His provision.

  2. Seek Opportunities for Good Works: Be intentional about seeking opportunities to engage in good works. Look for ways to serve others, whether through acts of kindness or volunteering. Ask the Lord where to serve and how to serve.

  3. Practice Generosity: Embrace a lifestyle of generosity by sharing the blessings you've received with others. Give freely of your time, talents and resources to bless those in need and make a positive impact in your community.


All Things for Good


The Boundless Riches of Christ