God is our Inheritance


Ezekiel 44:28 (NIV)

I am to be the only inheritance the priests have. You are to give them no possession in Israel; I will be their possession.


In Ezekiel 44:28, God instructs that He is to be the sole inheritance of the priests. The priests were not to possess land or material wealth in Israel; instead, God Himself was their inheritance. This highlights the sacred and exclusive relationship between the priests and God, emphasizing devotion to Him over worldly possessions. We are priests in Christ (Rev. 1:6), and therefore God is our inheritance as well.


Dear Lord, teach us to find our ultimate inheritance in You. May we seek a deep and lasting relationship with You, valuing spiritual treasures above earthly possessions. Help us recognize that You are our greatest possession and that in You, we lack nothing. You are our Portion forever.

Action Steps

  1. Reflect on Priorities: Take time to reflect on your priorities. Are there areas where you prioritize material possessions over spiritual growth or your relationship with God? Consider adjusting your priorities to align with God’s will, knowing that God is your portion, and ultimately everything belongs to Him.

  2. Go Deeper: Consider how you can deepen your relationship with God. Make Him the main priority in your life through seeking Him through worship, prayer and studying His Word.

  3. Practice the Calling: Practice your priestly calling by praying for others and ministering to the Lord through worship and lingering in His presence.


Jesus: The King of Humility


The Majesty of Jesus