Banner of Love


Song of Solomon 2:4 (NIV)

He has taken me to the banquet hall, and his banner over me is love.


In Song of Solomon 2:4, the imagery of love being a banner over us evokes a sense of protection, affirmation and belonging. Reflect on what it means to have love as a banner over your life. Consider how it shapes your identity, influences your relationships and guides your actions.


Dear God, thank you for the gift of love that covers us like a banner. Help us to experience the depth and beauty of this love in our lives. May it be a source of strength, comfort and assurance, guiding us in our journey and relationships. Amen.

Action Steps

  1. Embrace Love's Presence: Allow yourself to fully embrace the presence of love in your life. Let it serve as a constant reminder of God's care and affection for you, filling you with confidence and peace.

  2. Extend Love to Others: Take intentional steps to extend love to those around you. Show kindness, compassion and grace to your family, friends and even strangers, embodying the love that covers like a banner.

  3. Reflect on God's Love: Spend time reflecting on God's love for you as depicted in the Song of Solomon and throughout Scripture. Meditate on the depth of His affection and the lengths He went to demonstrate His love, drawing you closer to Him and empowering you to love others more fully.


Good to be Near God


Love Never Fails: 1 Corinthians 13:8