Fellowship with Jesus


1 Corinthians 1:9 (NIV)

God is faithful, who has called you into fellowship with his Son, Jesus Christ our Lord.


1 Corinthians 1:9 emphasizes God's faithfulness in inviting us into a relationship with His Son, Jesus Christ. Reflect on the depth of this relationship with Jesus and the significance of being called into fellowship with Him. Consider the intimacy, love and grace that characterize our connection with Jesus as our Lord and Savior.


Dear Lord Jesus, we thank you for the opportunity to be in fellowship with you, made possible by the faithfulness of our Heavenly Father. Help us to cherish and nurture our relationship with you above all else. May we continually abide in your presence, experiencing the fullness of your love and grace. Amen.

Action Steps

  1. Cultivate Intimacy with Jesus: Dedicate time each day to deepen your relationship with Jesus through prayer, worship and studying His Word. Allow His Spirit to guide you into a deeper understanding of His love and truth.

  2. Surrender to Jesus as Lord: Submit every aspect of your life to Jesus as your Lord and Savior. Trust in His faithfulness to lead and guide you on the path of righteousness.

  3. Stay Connected to Jesus: Guard your relationship with Jesus against distractions and temptations. Stay rooted in Him through prayer, fellowship with other believers and staying faithful to His teachings.


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