Who the Father is Looking For


Isaiah 66:2 (NIV)

This is the one I esteem: he who is humble and contrite in spirit, and trembles at my word.


This verse reminds us of the importance of humility and reverence before God. Reflect on what it means to be the kind of person God looks upon with favor. Consider how you can cultivate humility and reverence in your relationship with God. Let this verse inspire you to be the person God is looking for.


Heavenly Father, help me to cultivate a humble and contrite spirit before you. Teach me to tremble at your word and to live in reverence and awe of your majesty and holiness. May my heart be open to your leading and may my life reflect the qualities that you esteem. Amen.

Action Steps

  1. Practice Humility: Cultivate a spirit of humility by acknowledging your dependence on God and recognizing your own limitations and shortcomings.

  2. Repentance: Regularly examine your heart and confess any sins or wrong attitudes before God. Be willing to repent and turn away from anything that separates you from Him.

  3. Live in Obedience: Strive to obey God's commands and follow His leading in every area of your life. Let your actions reflect your reverence for God and your desire to honor Him in all you do.


Fellowship with Jesus


Good to be Near God